Local Leguminosae The Pea family Fabaceae or Leguminosae includes many flowers including Vetches and Vetchlings, Clovers, Bird’s Foot Trefoil and many more. There seemed to be quite a lot of these legumes when I visited the Last Meadow in Seaford in early June. A blooming meadow But there were flowers of all types blowing in…
Flora of Cheddar Gorge in May
Cheddar ecosystems We visited a variety of different habitats in the Cheddar area We stayed at a campsite which was in walking distance of Cheddar village and the limestone gorge itself. It was the end of May and the weather was lovely for the most part. Sheltered footpaths On the way into the village we…
Normans Bay and Dungeness on the South Coast in May
Coastal wildflowers already out We took the campervan a few miles up the South Coast from Sussex coast towards Kent for a one night trip this spring. This is what happens when you share a house with adult children – you get kicked out from time to time! We were so lucky with the lovely…
Early April woodland flowers in West Sussex
Out in the Woods in our van Woodland Flora of Sussex in April We took Ethel the campervan for her first outing of the year at the beginning of April to Graffham near Petworth. We were rather later in the year than we’d have liked due to my broken ankle. I broke it at the…
Online resources – wild plant ID
Identifying plants using a computer When I identify a plant I tend to start with the flower. It’s very rare for me to ID a plant that’s not in flower unless it’s very familiar. Personally, being a keen gardener has helped a lot with identifying flowers, because years of mulling over seed catalogues tends to…
Around a shepherds hut in Barnham West Sussex in April
Last spring we stayed in a cabin on a farm There was an icy wind but the sun shone and Mike and I went for some lovely walks. Weeds of the fields We were located right on the edge of an arable field and were kindly supplied with a stack of vintage books, my favourite…
Late summer flora of Seaford
Flowering in August, September and October While out walking near my home in Seaford Sussex here are some blooms I came across. These are in addition to my various trips up Seaford Head in August! Wildflowers around the town Field Bindweed – Convolvulus arvensis This small flowered bindweed likes my garden. Wild marjoram – Origanum…
Autumn Nature outings
Spotting wildflowers on our weekends away In September and October Mike and I went on various trips in Ethel the campervan and were lucky with the weather! Early Sept – by the Great Ouse river in St Neots Cambridgeshire We took the van to a peaceful riverside location and went for walks along the banks….
Late August flowers in Seaford Head Nature Reserve
Wildflowers on a nature walk A week after counting Moon Carrots on Seaford Head I was back up there with Seaford Natural History Society on a nature walk lead by Sussex Wildlife Trust. As for the last few posts, I have marked any chalk grassland indicator species with an L. I didn’t photograph last weeks…
Flora of Seaford Head in August Part 2 – Short Cliff
Wildflowers of Short Cliff and inland Short Cliff is the next cliff along from Hope Gap travelling East. If you head inland towards South Hill Barn you cross a large area of short grass which is managed by Sussex Wildlife trust using grazing. This area is bounded to the West by an area of scrub…