Flowering in August, September and October
While out walking near my home in Seaford Sussex here are some blooms I came across. These are in addition to my various trips up Seaford Head in August!
Wildflowers around the town
Field Bindweed – Convolvulus arvensis
This small flowered bindweed likes my garden.
Wild marjoram – Origanum vulgare
This beautiful patch of Wild marjoram was interspersed with St John’s Wort.
St Johns Wort – Hypericum
I didn’t look too closely at it at the time as I know there is a population of Perforate St Johns Wort nearby. But these plants look blousier than those. I’ll have to go back and have a look sometime!
Red Bartsia – Odontites vernus
Creeping Thistle – Cirsium arvense
Purple Toadflax – Linaria purpurea
I think I read somewhere that Purple Toadflax isn’t stripy but Pale Toadflax is, but Purple is much more common. The issue is somewhat further confused by garden escapes and hybridisations. I saw a paler version in Seaford in June.
Bristly oxtongue – Picris echioides
I’d never really noticed this before, but once you have something pointed out you just keep spotting it! This yellow flower was on a wildflower spotting challenge by my local natural history society.
Michaelmas Daisy – Aster / Possible Symphyotrichum novi-belgii
This perennial is happy in the Last Meadow, where I have seen it before.
There are less flowers about from October onwards, which is when I spend my time writing up my plant spotting adventures! Then I’m out and about again from March.