Flora on the beach
On the third and final day I walked West along the seafront to Winchelsea Beach and back. Most of the flora I spotted has already been covered in my previous two posts. I had been very lucky with the weather all week, although the wind was quite strong for the entire visit!
Bittersweet / Woody nightshade flower – Solanum dulcamara
I managed to find some Woody nightshade more fully in flower than on Day 1 – this is a species that the Wildlife Trust had specifically mentioned in their wildflowers leaflet.
Vipers bugloss – Echium vulgare
Vipers bugloss was another plant I had seen in bud earlier in the week, so it was good to spot some fully in flower.
I was very taken with the pink stamens which I hadn’t noticed before!
Sea pink / Thrift – Armeria maritima
There was a tiny patch of Sea pinks – nothing compared to what we get on the chalk cliffs where I live. Being on the beach I guess there was very little soil to grow in. The ones I did see were very blousy though!
Common birds foot trefoil – Lotus corniculatus
The Birds foot trefoil was catching the sunshine brilliantly.
See also Rye Harbour in May Part 1 and Rye Harbour in May Part 2
I’m hoping to revisit the site either earlier in the spring or later in the summer to see what other flowers I can find!
Sussex Wildlife Trust has a great selection of free publications to download about Rye Harbour on their website.