Rye Harbour Nature Reserve Flowers
On the second day of my visit to Rye Harbour Nature Reserve in Sussex, I walked out to Camber Castle and the reedbeds at Castle Water.
Around the beach
Of course there was plenty of sea kale, as seen in the pic above! Herb robert is one of my favourite Geraniums and is often found on shingle.

These little brightly coloured seedlings were very eye-catching!

I saw both the pink and white forms of Centranthus ruber today.

The Sea campion was so pretty I kept going back for more photos.

Near the new Discovery Centre
The fab new building was opened in May this year.
This Winter cress was something I recognised, having first spotted its glossy dark leaves in Seaford Last Meadow.

Sea beet is another plant I’m used to seeing locally in my corner of Sussex.

Salsify is very easy to spot in my opinion.

Further inland
Away from the beach, there is more soil to support a whole collection of flora.

After seeing some Gladioli yesterday, I found another patch a little nearer flowering.

This Speedwell had the classic flower shape and colour of Veronica persica.

The willow seed fluff had been blowing all over the site, so it was good to see some in situ.

On the way to Camber Castle, this is possibly the best display of daisies I’ve seen – glorious!

Camber Castle
I couldn’t go inside the castle but peered through the railings!

The flowers of this tiny Clover were only a few millimetres long.

Reedbeds of Castle Water
Castle Water is a wetland habitat created by Sussex Wildlife Trust from disused gravel pits.

See also Rye Harbour in May Part 1 and Rye Harbour in May Part 3