Wildflowers and health walks
I try and walk for my health every day. I only do about half an hour but it seems to be enough. Sometimes I do a bit of mindfulness at the same time.
Most times I follow the same route past the cemetery heading out of Seaford, through a lime walk and towards the fields.
I’m not a botanist – if it’s not flowering I’m afraid I’m not interested!
January – February – March Wildflowers
For the first part of the year I was struggling with using a rubbish LG phone to take pics (my DSLR is a bit bulky to take on a health walk in my opinion).

April Flowers
By this time I was starting to get quite irritated with my phone camera, so the quality is even more patchy.

May – June Blooms
The first image shows I was resorting to applying digital filters to my pics to try and get a decent image. Then after that I bought an Honor which has a fantastic camera except it renders scarlet as crimson (see second image)

Growing in July
The flowers I was spotting in July seemed to be the old thugs which don’t succumb to a spot of drought.

August wildflowers and berries

September seed heads

October – November – December

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Cow parsley
Winter heliotrope
Read more about Bindweed | Buddleia | Violet | Speedwell | Geranium | Alkanet