British Epipactis
Broad-leaved Helleborine
I found this single-stemmed beauty growing by the side of the footpath in woodland in Pett near Hastings in East Sussex. It was so big and exotic looking at 30cm or more tall, it quite took me by surprise! There were many flowers on the stem, each one about 2cm across in shades of pale green and pink.
The photo below shows the broad lower leaves.
I hear there are other Helleborines which grow in woodland near where I live, so will have to go hunting!
Blog posts mentioning Helleborines – Epipactis are tagged Helleborine or Epipactis
2021 was a particularly good year for orchids in my neck of the woods!
More about Orchids in general
Read about identifying Epipactis on Hardy Orchid Society website.