Two Water-Lilies and a Small Teasel
We stayed in Arundel for the weekend for our wedding anniversary and had a lovely time looking round the Castle and Wetland Centre. After a very dry month (see my previous post) it was actually drizzly the day we went to the wetland centre!
Small Teasel – Dipsacus pilosus
I hadn’t seen this before – it was growing by some ponds in Arundel Castle grounds. Apparently it likes the damp and can be found by rivers and streams.

Yellow Water Lily – Nuphar lutea
This was growing at the Wetland Centre.

White Water Lily – Nymphaea alba

Burnet rose – Rosa pimpinellifolia
I haven’t fully got to grips with roses yet, but the colour of these rosehips implies that they are from Burnet Rose.

Common Reed – Phragmites australis