Abundant spring country lanes
The county of Sussex is a warren of country lanes, sunny banks and hedgerows. We visit the Battle area regularly and are often surprised by the profusion of blooms by the wayside. Even away from the wildlife verges, the flowers can be glorious in the spring. I took all these photos along the same hundred metre stretch of single track lane.
Wood anemone – Anemone nemorosa
This woodland plant enjoys the shelter of a hedgerow and can spread gloriously in the dappled shade.
Primrose – Primula vulgaris
We often spot Primrose flowers between Mother’s Day and Easter around Battle. They grow in swathes on sunny banks in short grass. Here, they are about to be swamped by Cow parsley foliage. I was interested to have a look at the different Pin and Thrum forms which I’d been reading about (see link at bottom of page for more info).
Cuckooflower – Lady’s smock – Cardamine pratensis
I noticed that Cuckooflower seems to like it a bit damper, and we often see it along roadside ditches.
Common dog violet – Viola riviniana
I’ve had my antennae out for this viola this year, and have also spotted it on Ashdown Forest and in Seaford.